
2503 Winford Ave

Nashville, TN 37211


Home Showroom

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Nestled in a light industrial area south of downtown Nashville, the Jalan-Jalan Showroom is 2800 square feet of beautifully designed vingettes featuring authentic Indonesian teak antiques from the primitive to the refined. 4200 square feet of warehouse space and workshop are just beyond the massive Javanese doors.

Because Indonesia was colonized by the Dutch and was on the spice trade route, our furniture reflects influences from all of Europe, Asia, India and other exotic places. Exceptionally skilled craftsmen incorporated these influences with their own unique sensibilities to create a genre that blends beautifully with most any decor.

Experiencing the Jalan-Jalan Showroom is like being transported to another world. An extensive library offers visitors the chance to learn about the many cultures of South East Asia and ways to incorporate design elements into their own lifestyles. In addition to furniture, the unique collection of accessories, textiles and architectural components offer alternatives for design and building.

Jalan-Jalan is an Indonesian term that means literally, "just going for a walk". Come for a walk through the Jalan-Jalan Showroom. Relax and enjoy A Great Change of Space.

© Jalan-Jalan Antiques 2013